Today was a day of firsts, some great, some not so great.
We'll start with the happy stuff: MoMo used the big girl potty, big girl toilet paper and said "Bye-bye peepee!" to her urine as it flushed away. I've sat her on it several times prior to a bath to get her in the habit, but tonight, she asked without being prompted. Actually, she was about to be unceremoniously plopped into the tub, skipping the time on the toilet, when she pulled away, went over to the toilet, patted the front of her diaper and pointed at the toilet.
Also, today, NaNa, went from lying down to sitting up in order to reach for a toy... all by herself!
Hooray for the babies!!!
Now, the other first, not so great. Dawn and Marie are visiting their birth family this week. The woman they call grandma tried to help Dawn run away at one point, so my respect level for her is pretty much zero. That, and when I confronted her about it, she started making stuff up about other members of my family. She's not their grandma, but a neighbor who lived near them when they were kids.
Anyway, I got a text from Dawn today saying that as a welcome home gift, her family had paid for her to get a monroe and her first tattoo. (A Monroe is a piercing above the lip to look like Marilyn Monroe's famous mole.) The tattoo is an algae green hibiscus flower down near her hoo-hah. Yay for us. Part of what irks me about this is that she texted me yesterday, wanting Hubby and me to pay a deposit on an apartment. Again.
HAHAHAHAHA. I ignored that text, choosing to follow my new rule of life: Be nice.
ba-deep ba-deep ba-deep . . .
14 years ago
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If you are an adoptive parent or have one in your family somewhere, talk to me. I could use some insanity that does NOT call me mom!!