Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Writer's Workshop: Poem About Something I'd Like to Forget

I can't get the button to work, but this post is prompted by Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop... join in the writing fun!
“Thirty Days Later”

If I loved you
I cried when you left
     If you loved me
     You would have turned back

If I loved you
I’d watch each day for something
     If you loved me
     You’d wonder why I hadn’t begged you

If I loved you
I’d fight the urge to beg you
     If you loved me    
     It would kill you not to hear it

If I loved you
I’d lie awake each night
     If you loved me
     You’d be sleepless too

If you loved me
You’d face me
     And not wonder why the tears 
     dropped from my chin.

One of us has love.
wants it
invited it in
and checked on it each night to
make sure it was sleeping peacefully
before turning in for the night.

     The other one 
     Walked out the door
     Without saying good-bye.
     Or I love you.

(I cheated on this assignment.  I wrote this last year, exactly 30 days after my daughter Dawn ran away the second time. And with Mama Kat's assignment, there are LOTS of things I'd like to forget, but the heartache that went with not knowing where she was AND knowing she didn't want to be with us was nearly unbearable.  So I dusted this one off to share.  Cheers!)


  1. Your poem was gut wrenching. I will be looking forward to more of your writing.

  2. This is very powerful. I have goose bumps. It is beautiful and so sad.

  3. Ugh! We're not there yet, thank God! But I can imagine how unbearable that had to be!! Beautiful poem. :)

  4. Everyone-- Thank you for your compliments... I LOVE to write poetry, but am pretty hesitant to share.

    Mama--Here's hoping you NEVER get to this point!

  5. Beautiful poem...I'm so glad that you shared it! I just wrote a difficult post today, but it was almost liberating to do :)

  6. Natalie--Thank you! I think that, sometimes, the ones that are the hardest to write are the most liberating.... I'm on my way over to read your post!

  7. i was just scrolling through my reader, randomly stopping on posts since i have hundreds unread and know i'll never actually get to. as fate would have it, i landed on this one. dammit. ouch. too close to home. please say we can commiserate in person soon!


If you are an adoptive parent or have one in your family somewhere, talk to me. I could use some insanity that does NOT call me mom!!